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YAM and DPPA Answer Call for Action

The Youth Advocacy Movement was formed in Dominica under DPPA in 1990 in hope to better outreach health messages and service availability to those who need it. It was recognized then that there was an increase in teenage preganancy, and one of the ways in which the association wanted to curb this was by forming a group of peer educators.

The first coordinator of the group was Miss Rita Olivacce who kept the group very vibrant. When she passed away she was succeeded by Miss Harolda Henry, who now is still the office secreatry. Currently the coordinator is Miss Vald Bruno, the family life educator of the association.

The main focus of the group is Peer Education and counselling. We do this in many ways. Ie Skitts, Education of both ourselves and others, Peer counselling and outreach.

 In fact, this web site is the latest form of outreach, going beyond the constraints of Dominica, the Eastern Caribbean region, and making a more global impact. This web site provides one more means of access to health information and service availability. The YAM currently performs several group activities ranging from skits, counselling, presention sessions, public events, not to mention many fun activities for the group itself.

YAM members have grown substantially in just the last year to over 30 members strong. Now, with the guidance of a new Family Life Educator, the outreach capacity of YAM members can only improve.

Please read how DPPA and YAM are making strides toward broader better health support for you and support us today. Thank you!

Youth Friendly Services Project

The YAM depend on gaining education on new health information to relay to others in the community. They also depend on improving their skills as youth-to-youth counselors. Currently, both education and practice come from the new Family Life Educator (FLE). A clinic computer has funded through IPPF and available to the members as well as the FLE to upgrade their skills and provide educational paraphernalia to those they counsel. The grant has also funded a television, VCR, scanner, fridge, couch, and paint for redesigning its office. The handprints of the members are soon to be placed on the walls of the office to provide a more welcome atmosphere. We thank our parent organization, IPPF, for their generosity.

YAM Computer Lab

As an extension of the Youth Friendly Services Project, a YAM Computer Lab has been proposed as is currently awaiting funding. The computer lab will provide a platform for YAM to widen their efforts but also to instruct each other in educational methods. The proposed grant will provide for a few additional computer system accessories such as a digital camera and other instruction supplies to make use of the newly renovated room.

Learning Resource Centre Health Care Library

A Learning Resource Centre has been proposed to provide for the self-help needs of clients and attract new income from additional clients. The proposed LRC grant will provide for a dedicated internet accessible computer system for client educational purposes, various health care books, videos, DVDs and so forth in an inviting and relaxing semi-private atmosphere. The grant will also provide for a new digital DVD hand-held recorder for YAM to produce their own DVDs of various plays, documentaries, and so forth, to expand the limits of their outreach well beyond current boundaries. Income generated as a result of the project will be used to offset the minor continuous costs as well as support other YAM activities.

Transportation Initiative Project
Without reliable transportation, clinic services would suffer substantial losses and residents of Dominica would suffer from health ailments due to lack of access to contraceptives and other such supplies. Currently, a dedicated vehicle is being used to transport contraceptive and other supplies throughout the country to reach people in need that would not otherwise go to the clinic for a variety of health products. The vehicle is occasionally also used to transport staff and YAM members to promote clinic health services and products as well as educational information to peoples of all ages, with focus on high risk youth. A large portion of clinic funding comes through non-profit sale of contraceptives and other products, supplied through DPPA, to health centers in all seven health districts in Dominica. The current vehicle has reached its point of usefulness and has just been replaced by funding from the JAPS program by the Japanese Embassy in Trinidad. This will ensure continuous income generation for DPPA and YAM. We are very grateful for the generosity shown by them! 

Family Life Educator
A newly hired Family Life Educator has been a great benefit to both DPPA counseling services and guidance for YAM activities. YAM membership has doubled within a year of hire of the Family Life Educator and resulted in a positive impact on the activity of the members. This active participation in YAM activities promotes health education and feeds back upon the growth of DPPA through increases in clinic use and product purchases. The Family Life Educator aids in the consulting of patients in addition to the counseling performed by the nursing staff. Without the guidance of the Family Life Educator, youth-to-youth counseling throughout the country would decrease and lack of promotion of DPPA services would result in lower income and greater dependence of DPPA on monetary contributions. Financial contributions to support the continuation of this vital staff member are currently being sought.

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